Monday, September 30, 2019
The Teacher Preparation Programme Education Essay
Introduction Teaching practicum is portion of the instructor readying programme. Every pupil instructors needs to undergo learning practicum in order to finish their instruction classs so as University of Malaya TESL ( Teaching English as 2nd linguistic communication ) undergraduates. University of Malaya TESL undergraduates need to travel for learning practicum during their 4th twelvemonth in order to finish their class, Bachelor in Education ( TESL ) in University of Malaya. No uncertainty learning practicum is an of import constituent in teacher instruction programmes. It is because learning practicum is a existent challenge for the pupil instructors where they need to use the theories that they have learnt in the schoolroom. The term pattern learning embracings all the learning experiences of pupil instructors in schools ( Ashraf, 1999 ) . The term pattern instruction has three major intensions: the practicing of learning accomplishments and acquisition of the function of a instructor ; the whole scope of experiences that pupils go through in schools ; and the practical facets of the class as distinguishable from theoretical surveies ( Stones and Morris, 1977 ) . During the instruction practicum, pupil instructors are able to derive experience of learning in the schoolroom and learn to develop teacher-like personalities. At the same clip, they will be exposed to school civilization and learn to map as a member of a school staff beyond schoolroom instru ction ( Laila Hairani, 1996 ) . Besides that, learning practicum besides provides great chance to get downing instructors to go socialised into the profession ( Furlong, 1988 ) . Student instructors ‘ public presentation during their instruction pattern will bode and foretell the hereafter success of the instructor. This survey aims to happen out University of Malaya TESL undergraduates ‘ beliefs about learning practicum. Beliefs considered as an of import psychological concept to teacher instruction ( Pintrich, 1990 ) . When pupil teachers come to university or travel for learning practicum, they bring many beliefs about learning. These beliefs may ensue from their experiences as a pupil in their schooling period. Furthermore, pupil instructors ‘ experiences in the university through the methodological analysis categories, simulated learning for TESL, and other relevant activities will besides act upon the development of pupils ‘ beliefs about learning practicum. The bing beliefs of pupil instructors should be considered in the instructor instruction programme as these beliefs interact with their acquisition procedure ( Esen Uzuntiryaki, 2007 ) . Namely, such beliefs would act upon pupil instructors to construe and analyze the pedagogical cognition, conceptualisation of learning undertakings, their instruction determinations and their schoolroom pattern ( King, Shumow & A ; Lietz, 2001 ; Pajares, 1992 ) . Therefore, throughout the instructor instruction programme, it is really of import for the lectors to place pupil instructors ‘ beliefs about learning practicum before they go for existent instruction and promote them to reflect upon these beliefs ( Esen Uzuntiryaki, 2007 ; Mellado, 1998 ; Southerland & A ; Gess-Newsome, 1999 ) . If lectors understand and know pupil instructors ‘ beliefs about instruction, lectors would hold different outlooks from them. Besides, it would besides be a great chance for lectors to assist pupil inst ructors to determine their positions about instructor functions. This may decidedly act upon the manner pupil instructors receive and procedure cognition, recognise and accept values and develop and heighten accomplishments needed for effectual instruction ( Clarita M. de Leon-Carillo, 2007 ) . In short, every pupil will convey their ain positions and outlook on learning when they come ining a instructor instruction programme. This paper will be discoursing University of Malaya TESL undergraduates ‘ beliefs about learning practicum. Background of the survey The debut of the instructor instruction system was due to the recommendation made by Wolley Committee in 1980. It is formed to fix instructors for school. Harmonizing to the surveies, the schools were undergoing rapid growing in the early nineteenth century ; hence, it needed a big Numberss of instructors that clip. For that ground, different programmes or teacher preparation establishments existed to develop instructor of authorities schools, government-assisted schools and even common schools. There were three chief teacher developing establishments: Non-graduate establishments which include the assorted instructor preparation colleges and centres Teachers ‘ colleges and centres administered by the Ministry of Education are non afflicted to any university. The Ministry of Education is responsible for ordering classs for surveies and attesting successful campaigners in a centrally-controlled scrutiny. The scrutiny boards, nevertheless, are composed of representatives from different colleges. The instructors colleges offer biennial full-time class. A three-year class was provided from 1956 to 1968 for pupils who possessed merely three old ages of secondary school makings. Graduate teacher preparation establishments, viz. , University of Malaya Faculty of Education, University Sains Malaysia Centre for Educational Studies and University Kebangsaan Department of Education The alumnus instructor preparation establishments administered by the universities enjoy a big step of liberty though they depend upon the Ministry of Education for fiscal support. One of the alumnus instructor preparation establishments, University of Malaya has embarked on a series of experiments in teacher instruction and modified the instructor instruction classs to carry through its function as a beginning of supply of alumnus instructors. For illustration, from the 1971/72 Sessionss, the Diploma of Education Course has modified and consisted of the undermentioned: Foundations of Education ( 5 units ) , Methodology of learning ( 2 units ) and Teaching pattern ( 3 units ) . In-service instructor preparation programmes Harmonizing to Francis ( 1972 ) , during the British disposal small attending was paid to preparation of instructors. When Peninsular Malaysia became independent in 1957, upgrading the quality of instructors became the precedence of the Ministry of Education. The types of classs presently available may be divided into four major groups: initial instructor preparation classs held during holidaies for impermanent untrained instructors auxiliary full-time classs for trained instructor full-time and holiday classs for trained instructors to utilize Malay as the medium of direction and to learn English as 2nd linguistic communication holiday classs for the upgrading of qualified instructors in the assorted subjects. No affair what establishments you were traveling, learning practicum is one of the classs that you need to undergo in order to graduate from the establishment to go a instructor. Teacher Training Division of the Ministry of Education Malaysia regarded the instruction pattern as a series of practical and systematic school experiences to assist pupil instructors to go professional in their instruction calling ( Malaysia Education Ministry, 1990 ) . The pupils ‘ learning field experience is an indispensable constituent of larning to learn and supervising dramas an of import function ( Zahorik, 1988 ) . Harmonizing to the National Education Philosophy Malaysia, â€Å" instruction in Malaysia is an ongoing attempt towards further developing the potency of persons in a holostic and incorporate mode, so as to bring forth persons who are intelectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically balanced and harmonic, based on a steadfast belief in and devotedness to God. Such an attempt is designed to bring forth Malayan citizens who are knowing and competent, who possess high moral criterions and who are responsible and capable of accomplishing high degree of personal wellbeing every bit good as being able to lend to the harmoniousness and improvement of the household, the society and the state at big †. Over a century ago the laminitiss of normal schools introduce learning pattern as an built-in portion of the course of study for the prospective simple school instructor. During this century learning pattern in secondary schools became a standard portion of the professional course of study in all types of colleges and universities. Since 1969, the instruction pattern agreements at the Faculty of Education, University of Malaya have undergone some extremist alterations in order to run into student instructors ‘ demands every bit good as to run into the National Education Philosophy Malaysia. Today, pupils are paired harmonizing to their first method option. During the instruction pattern, the pupil instructor conducts schoolroom lessons and performs the responsibilities of a instructor in school. Furthermore, this period of practical experience, pupil instructors will be guided and supervised by supervisors and co-operative instructors in the school. The instructor preparation division introduced the clinical supervising theoretical account ( Goldhammer, 1966 ) for all the instructor preparation colleges or universities in Malaya from June to October 1989. This theoretical account focuses on the integrating of planning, observation, rating and analysis of lessons. The pupil instructors ‘ schoolroom public presentation is observed, recorded, analysed and paid attending to the content and method facets of lesson execution. Each supervisor will do a reappraisal and measure pupil instructors ‘ public presentation in term of strengths and failings in instruction and to concentrate on countries for attending and betterment. The supervisor plays an of import function in learning pattern as they need to steer and confer with the peculiar pupil instructors based on their public presentation. Bachelor of Education: Teaching as 2nd linguistic communication ( TESL ) programme offered through University of Malaya Teaching as 2nd linguistic communication ( TESL ) is a four twelvemonth class. Students who undergo and specialize in TESL class will larn and get the hang patterns in instruction of English as 2nd linguistic communication. They will be trained for callings as English linguistic communication instructors. The module of instruction of University Malaya will set up the classs which heavy focal point on applied and theoretical linguistic, instructors ‘ cultural, specialisation in learning methodological analysis and techniques, every bit good as programmes that prepare pupil instructors for the doctorial work in the subjects. In order to finish the grade, undergraduates need to carry through the class demand. The undermentioned tabular array is the illustration of class construction for the unmarried man of instruction ( get downing admittance session 2007/08 ) that undergraduates are required to carry through during the four old ages class. Form the tabular arraies, the mean recognition hours for each topic in each class is about three recognition hours. However, learning practicum consists of eight hr for itself entirely. It tells us that learning practicum plays an of import function in the whole instruction programme. Teaching pattern is normally implemented during the concluding stage of the instructor instruction programme. It is because the aim of practicum is to guarantee that pupil instructors get accomplishments, cognition, attitude and the values throughout the classs that are required by every professional instructor. The major accent of the instruction pattern is on learning and see both in and out of the schoolroom and development of appropriate personality traits of a instructor. Teaching practicum is a critical constituent of Teacher Education Programme. If pupils instructors had a incorrect beliefs about learning practicum, and they will decidedly neglect to get the hang learning methodological analysis, learning cultural and some other accomplishments provided by the university. Besides that, they will besides confront troubles during learning practicum. The pupil instructors would endure when they go for learning pattern when they are in the concluding degree. In a nutshell, each and every instruction institute is making their best to supply the most suited classs in order to bring forth a professional instructor in the hereafter. However, one ‘s beliefs will easy impact one ‘s larning attitude every bit good as one ‘s learning presentation no affair during the learning procedure or in the hereafter. Therefore, besides supplying the good classs, the university besides needs to take pupils ‘ beliefs into history so that the governments and the lectors could learn and leave the right instruction beliefs about learning practicum to the pupil. For case, the university can concentrate more on the Doctrine of Education to assist pupils to see better the nature of a human existences every bit good as the nature of larning manner. If the university understands what the pupil instructors ‘ concerns are and what are the beliefs that inhibit them from larning and execute better during microteaching, the university can ea sy set the classs to accommodate the pupils ‘ demands and fix the pupils to the instruction practicum. Statement of the job Teaching Practicum is by and large recognized both within and outside Malaysia that most pupils â€Å" are fierce in asseverating that learning pattern is one of the most valuable and one of the worst conducted parts of preparation †( Francis & A ; Paul, 1973 ) . Why Francis & A ; Paul described learning practicum as the worst conducted parts of preparation? It is because pupil instructors have to play two functions at the same clip which are a scholar and a co-teacher. Student instructors are expected to show what they have possess the cognition and accomplishments through teacher instruction classs ; viz. planning, developing the lesson, pass oning, pull offing the schoolroom and besides measuring the pupils. Besides that, they are besides expected to follow professional attitude to their work as a co-teacher. There are several topics provided in teacher instruction classs, while learning practicum is one country in which the instructor preparation colleges and the universities portion many common jobs. One of the jobs is that pupil instructors may keep deeply to their beliefs about learning practicum indirectly affect their public presentation in learning during learning practicum or even in their hereafter learning calling. As we know, whenever pupils were to larn a new topic or to expose to a more ambitious cognition, they will keep to their beliefs in order to do themselves comfy to the state of affairs. However, pupil may hold some mistaken thoughts about the peculiar topics, so as the pupil instructors. Some of the pupil instructors may transport a positive and right belief about teacher practicum while some may non. This affair is really of import because wrong scholar beliefs will negatively impact their presentation every bit good as their public presentation in category. Student instructors may non portray themselves absolutely as a professional instructor when they hold wrong beliefs about instruction. This paper is to look into TESL undergraduates ‘ beliefs about learning practicum after they have undergone several programmes provided by Faculty of Education, University of Malaya. It is to see if they have common beliefs about learning practicum and it would anticipate if the pupil instructors held a correct or wrong belief about learning practicum. Many pupil instructors ‘ beliefs about school come from their experiences as pupils. They have formed feelings about themselves and their abilities, about the nature of cognition, and about how ‘learning ‘ takes topographic point. So, this paper would reexamine and foreground on TESL undergraduates ‘ beliefs about learning practicum on two major constituents, viz. the anterior to learning practicum and schoolroom direction. Aims of the survey The aims of the survey are listed below: To depict the University of Malaya TESL undergraduates ‘ anterior beliefs about learning practicum. To research and place the constituents of the teacher instruction plan that help to construct their beliefs about learning practicum. Research Questions For the intent of this survey, relevant informations are required to reply the undermentioned inquiries: What are the University of Malaya TESL undergraduates ‘ anterior beliefs about learning practicum? What are the constituents of the teacher instruction plan that help to construct pupil instructors ‘ beliefs about learning practicum? Definition of cardinal footings Beliefs There are different ways to depict beliefs. H.A. Hodges said â€Å" belief is a moral act for which the truster is to be held responsible †, while Frank Pajares explained it as â€Å" aˆÂ ¦ Defining beliefs is at best a game of participants ‘ pick. They travel in camouflage and frequently under alias-attitudes, values, judgements, maxims, political orientation, perceptual experiences, personal theories, internal mental procedure, constructs, action schemes, regulations of pattern, practical rules, positions, repertories of apprehension, and societal scheme. Practicum The significance of practicum in this context is a specialised field of survey that is designed to give pupils supervised practical application of antecedently studied theory after undergo class in school or college. Teaching Practicum Teaching Practicum is the last of the series of pedagogical classs. A pupil instructor is asked to learn under the supervising of a certified instructor in order to measure up for a grade in instruction. Student instructors use this chance to execute instruction theory and to widen their practical experiences. Student Teacher Student instructor is synonymous with the term trainee instructor. Student instructor is a selected campaigner who has been enrolled for the instructor instruction programme class and is under the counsel of an university supervisor and other forces involved in the supervisory undertaking. 1.6 Significance of the survey This survey aims to garner and analyze relevant informations which will supply the necessary information so that a description of the beliefs about learning practicum of TESL undergraduates of University of Malaya can be obtained. The focal point of the job of the survey is to place what the University of Malaya TESL undergraduates ‘ beliefs about learning practicum are. The consequence of the information analysis would so assist us every bit good as other pedagogues to organize a better understanding towards pupil instructors ‘ beliefs about instruction and besides learning practicum. We may place if the pupil instructors have carried a incorrect belief about learning practicum all the clip. It will non merely profit the pedagogues, but the pupils will understand better about themselves and acknowledge which is the right or incorrect belief they have. Many argue that wrong pupil instructors ‘ beliefs would negatively impact their teaching attitude. Through the survey, the findings would give each pedagogue a great chance to alter and modified the instruction system and organize a footing for suggesting a better programme for pupils to determine their position of instructors ‘ function. Furthermore, pedagogues may make a better environment every bit good as learning course of study to fix the pupil instructors to learn efficaciously and leave them the passion of instruction. Last but non least, placing fluctuation of pupils ‘ beliefs may besides increase pupils ‘ degree of assurance. Once pupils have their ain beliefs, they would non happen instruction is a hard undertaking. Through the survey, we can besides see what pupil instructors have prepared for learning practicum. Subsequently the pupils would see beliefs as a chief beginning that would impact personal development and the acquisition and learning procedure. 1.7 Restrictions of the survey The restriction to this research is that it is done merely questionnaires. Although it is good and proved method of making research through the aggregation of informations, it is still restricted to certain types of inquiries. In add-on, there are a few of survey sing beliefs about learning practicum in Malaysia context. Besides that, this research is limited to 40 undergraduates of University of Malaya merely. While the findings of the survey can be used for pulling decisions about the beliefs about learning practicum of this university, they can non needfully be generalise to other university undergraduates. In add-on, the Numberss of undergraduates who participate in this research do non stand for a complete probe of all the undergraduates in this university nor other universities. Pintrich, P. R. ( 1990 ) . Deductions of psychological research on pupils larning and college instruction for teacher instruction. Handbook of research on instructor instruction ( pp. 826-857 ) . New York: Macmillan.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
School Climate Analysis
How important is a school’s climate to student success? Research suggests that it is a key element in influencing student achievement, second only to quality instruction. A school’s climate has the ability to either support or impede learning greatly. School climate refers to the â€Å"day to day operational procedures which determine the culture of a school: warm, friendly, cold, supportive, helpful, etc. †(Federal Way Public Schools, n. d. , figure 30) To what extent does a school’s climate affect student learning, and how can a school’s climate be improved? Let us take a loser look. School climate is a significant element in today’s schools. Positive climates can solve problems such as bullying, inter-student conflict, suicide, and character education; however, there are many things in our society today that interfere with school climates. This includes decreased family values, increased tolerance to violence on television and in video games, and an overall breakdown in communication between parents, students, and schools. Schools must continually work to overcome these barriers. The social emotional climate of schools is predictive of mother’s reports of their school age children’s alcohol use and psychiatric problems. Research has also revealed a relationship between school climate and student self-concept. †(Center For Social and Emotional Education [CSEE], n. d. , p. 1) Schools with positive climates have fewer students with anxiety, depression, and loneliness. A positive, nurturing school climate also lea ds to effective risk prevention and health promotion. In a positive school climate the people within the organization feel a connectedness to one another. That connectedness is a powerful predictor of adolescent health and academic success. â€Å"Safe, caring, participatory and responsive school climates tend to foster great attachment to school, as well as providing the optimal foundation for social, emotional, and academic learning. Numerous studies have shown that positive school climates lead to higher grades, engagement, attendance, expectations and aspirations, a sense of scholastic competence, fewer school suspensions, and on-time progression through grades. (Michigan State University, 2004, p. ) In order to significantly improve student behavior and academic performance, schools must improve their overall climate. There are four main elements that impact school climate. They are as follows: A physical environment that is welcoming and conductive to learning, a social environment that promotes communication and interaction, an affective environment that promotes a sense of belonging and self-esteem, and an academic environment that promotes learning and self-fulfillment. (Michigan State University, 2004, p. ) These four environments cannot operate independently of one another. Each is interrelated to the others. How can school climate be improved? Change requires â€Å"moving individuals and organizations along a continuum from ‘at risk’ to ‘safe’ to ‘thriving’. This process takes time to accomplish. †(Michigan State University, 2004, p. 6) The new federal legislation of the No Child Left Behind Act is essentially a long-term effort to change school culture, requiring teachers and schools to be held accountable, and adopting the notion that all students can and must learn. Change begins with the superintendant of the district and the central administration, along with backing from the school board. â€Å"Their decisions on building size, budget allocations, selection of staff, as well as communication of the school district’s mission, training priorities, and promotional activities, all play a part in encouraging change. †(Michigan State University, p. 6) Other approaches to change at the school level include increasing the number of counselors and mentors in schools, and using smaller teacher-student ratios. It is also important to note that many schools are moving away from competition in favor of cooperation to avoid having winners and losers. In addition, schools need to provide professional development on such issues as cultural and class differences, emotional needs of other children, parental involvement, and bullying and harassment. Research also suggests that schools should provide â€Å"multiple and varied opportunities to participate in extracurricular activities. †(Michigan State University, p. 7) The physical appearance of the facility is another important component of school climate. While it is common sense that teachers and students feel better about themselves when working and learning in an inviting and pleasant environment, research also supports this fact. A well-designed learning environment sends the message that learning is important. â€Å"Not only does a school’s architecture signal what is important; a school’s architecture also motivates students and employees, provides a message of deeper purposes and values, and can tie a community together. (Holt & Smith, n. d. , p. 53) Interestingly enough, even though research suggests that the physical environment is an indicator of school climate, a report issued by the National Center for Education Statistics indicates that three out of every four existing public school buildings is in need of repair. Another important element in school climate lies in the decision making process. Schools that promote shar ed decision making have a greater sense of belonging among staff members and stakeholders, and therefore promote a more positive and cohesive school climate. Shared decision making also promotes mutual support and ongoing communication between staff members as well as members of the community. This type of decision making increases school climate because it increases the level of trust among stakeholders. â€Å"Trust is developed when people come to expect and predict the way others will act. When a school commits the time and energy to involve stakeholders in developing shared organizational values and people live out the shared values on a day-to-day basis, conjecture and suspicions about actions are dispelled. (Else, 2000, p. 1) It is important for schools to continually assess the overall climates within their organization. There are various instruments designed for this purpose. Most of these instruments are surveys that are designed for students, teachers, and parents. Results of these surveys are then analyzed and disaggregated to assess the overall climate, and identify areas of improvement. Although classroom level measures may be appropriate for the assessment of schools at the elementary level, this is not the case for middle and high school. The students at this level move throughout the day from classroom to classroom, are surrounded by many different groups of peers, and are confronted with varying teaching styles. For this reason middle and high schools require assessment measures that capture student’s experiences throughout the entire school day. Assessing school climate and using that data to identify areas of concern is, and should be, as important as test data in today’s schools. In this week’s reading, we read about a scenario that is present in many schools around the country. That is dysfunctional thinking. In this scenario, veteran teachers and new teachers are facing off in deconstructive power struggles. Because of their varying levels of experience, and their different eras, they do not see eye to eye. In this scenario, the new teacher obviously is better equipped to chair the event. She has had experience doing this event in the past, and she has demonstrated her competency in the area. The veteran teacher doesn’t really want to chair the event; she just doesn’t want a new teacher to have that kind of control. As an administrator, I would initiate a conversation with this veteran teacher. Seeing as she is very popular among the staff, this would have to be handled carefully. The conversation would begin with a sincere appreciation for everything she does, as teachers need to be recognized for their contributions; however, I would stand firm on my decision to assign the newer teacher, Mrs. Farmington, as the chair of the event. The information presented on the table on page 71 of our textbook would provide useful information when handling this situation. It would be important for the administrator to understand, and be respectful of, each individual’s background and values. It is important for an administrator to acquire the commitment of their followers, and based on how this scenario is acted upon, it could enhance or interfere with that commitment. The dialogue that takes place between the administrator and the veteran teacher must be well thought out and respectful. In addition, the newer teacher, too, must be made aware of the importance of allowing for shared decision making throughout her event, and allow for the veteran teachers to be heard and made a valuable a part of the event as well. In conclusion, students learn best when they are in an environment that is physically and emotionally safe. Teachers teach best when they are working in an environment in which they feel valued and connected. Parents feel secure sending their students to school when they know their children are being cared for and given quality instruction. Today so many parents have trouble trusting in their children’s schools, and too often circumstances arise where parents and schools are battling one another. This is not constructive to school climate, and is not in the best interest of children. It is important for all stakeholders to share the decision making process so that everyone has a vested interest in the overall well-being of the school climate. Teachers, parents, and administrators should be partners, working together to ensure that students needs is being met, and that they are academically successful. At the end of the day, we all want the same thing, and that is what is best for our children. Working together, rather that independently, is the best way to make this happen. In the words of the old African proverb, it takes a village to raise a child. Our schools, along with parents, are the â€Å"village†that our children need. References Center For Social and Emotional Education (n.d.). School Climate Research Summary. Retrieved November 14, 2008, from Else, D. (2000). School-Based Shared Decision Making. Retrieved November 14, 2008, from Federal Way Public Schools (n.d.). Federal Way Public Schools Glossary of Terms. Retrieved November 14, 2008, from Holt, C. R., & Smith, R. M. (n.d.). The Relationship Between School Climate and Student Success. Retrieved November 14, 2008, from Michigan State University (2004). Best Practice Briefs: School Climate and Learning. Retrieved November 14, 2008, from
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Frida Kahlo
* NAME : ABDUL RAHMAN BIN MOHAMED * GROUP : 12M13 * TOPIC : READING 1 – FRIDA KAHLO : TRIUMPH OVER TRAGEDY DISCUSSION QUESTIONS QUESTION 1: How do you think painting help Frida Kahlo with her problem? ANSWER: From my view of humanisation, painting helps Frida Kahlo so much. It is because only from painting will make her continues her hope about her life after turning point of her life made her really uncapable to do anything else such as to be one of the successful doctor only building the castle in the air. From her painting make her more sensitive in so many things. As we know, Frida expressed her feeling by that creative way teaches the other on how to take care of other feeling beside appreciate them. Frida`s painting resolve by hidden message on how to try our best not to be heartbreaker or make a hole of sadness in someone heart as her told that she had experienced second accident in her life with her beloved husband. Of course these single moment will be portrayed by frida to make sure every moments will not forgetable. Lasty, she got place in every one`s heart by her painting and became well-known. QUESTION 2: Many of Kahlo’s paintings express pain and tragedy. Do you like to see this in a work of art? If so, why? If not, what would you like to see? ANSWER: I really don`t like that kinds of painting that reminds me of someone that I hate so much. I would prefer some of the painting that shows love. Love painting is about something unique. Not every painter success to portray those kinds of painting. Painting is one of the medium to change other people and influenced their way of life. That’s why love theme painting make us kindly shares our love and open our minds to shares our heart together. Love also not just limited to human, but also can be animal, family and the others. This unique kind of painting can resolve life of communities that full of hatred, selfish to the very good mankind ever seen in the world. QUESTION 3: What is your opinion of the mischievous acts carried out by Cachuchas? Why they did they do these things? Was their behaviour acceptable? Why or why not? ANSWER: From my opinion, the action carried out by Cachuchas is just to make everybody sense of their presence in school and they want to become attractive in their way so everybody who watch them will follow their style including the nerd (unpopular in school). Other than that, QUESTION 4: Is it important to know about an artist`s life in order to understand his or her work? ANSWER: Yes. It is important to know about an artist`s life as from their life we can learn what are messages about from the painting. In consequences, we will be become more sharp observer and understand more about painting and art. As we take example, one of the most famous person during renaissances was Leonardo Da Vincci. He was the one who like to do his painting in realist style such as Mona Lisa portrait. No other painter has been able to express the facial subtleties of the human character with such startling accuracy. Some people wonder why it is that her facial expression seems to change depending on the direction from which you look at her. This is because during painting of Mona Lisa, Leonardo hired a few of clowns to make her happy and not get bored. That`s how Leonardo manipulate the situation. This example shows us clearly why we need to understand extra information about artist’s life and history of his painting. Frida Kahlo * NAME : ABDUL RAHMAN BIN MOHAMED * GROUP : 12M13 * TOPIC : READING 1 – FRIDA KAHLO : TRIUMPH OVER TRAGEDY DISCUSSION QUESTIONS QUESTION 1: How do you think painting help Frida Kahlo with her problem? ANSWER: From my view of humanisation, painting helps Frida Kahlo so much. It is because only from painting will make her continues her hope about her life after turning point of her life made her really uncapable to do anything else such as to be one of the successful doctor only building the castle in the air. From her painting make her more sensitive in so many things. As we know, Frida expressed her feeling by that creative way teaches the other on how to take care of other feeling beside appreciate them. Frida`s painting resolve by hidden message on how to try our best not to be heartbreaker or make a hole of sadness in someone heart as her told that she had experienced second accident in her life with her beloved husband. Of course these single moment will be portrayed by frida to make sure every moments will not forgetable. Lasty, she got place in every one`s heart by her painting and became well-known. QUESTION 2: Many of Kahlo’s paintings express pain and tragedy. Do you like to see this in a work of art? If so, why? If not, what would you like to see? ANSWER: I really don`t like that kinds of painting that reminds me of someone that I hate so much. I would prefer some of the painting that shows love. Love painting is about something unique. Not every painter success to portray those kinds of painting. Painting is one of the medium to change other people and influenced their way of life. That’s why love theme painting make us kindly shares our love and open our minds to shares our heart together. Love also not just limited to human, but also can be animal, family and the others. This unique kind of painting can resolve life of communities that full of hatred, selfish to the very good mankind ever seen in the world. QUESTION 3: What is your opinion of the mischievous acts carried out by Cachuchas? Why they did they do these things? Was their behaviour acceptable? Why or why not? ANSWER: From my opinion, the action carried out by Cachuchas is just to make everybody sense of their presence in school and they want to become attractive in their way so everybody who watch them will follow their style including the nerd (unpopular in school). Other than that, QUESTION 4: Is it important to know about an artist`s life in order to understand his or her work? ANSWER: Yes. It is important to know about an artist`s life as from their life we can learn what are messages about from the painting. In consequences, we will be become more sharp observer and understand more about painting and art. As we take example, one of the most famous person during renaissances was Leonardo Da Vincci. He was the one who like to do his painting in realist style such as Mona Lisa portrait. No other painter has been able to express the facial subtleties of the human character with such startling accuracy. Some people wonder why it is that her facial expression seems to change depending on the direction from which you look at her. This is because during painting of Mona Lisa, Leonardo hired a few of clowns to make her happy and not get bored. That`s how Leonardo manipulate the situation. This example shows us clearly why we need to understand extra information about artist’s life and history of his painting. Frida kahlo The Art of Friday Kohl: Realist and Overwhelming The autobiographical movie â€Å"Friday†directed by Julie Tomato and release in October, 2002. It is a realistic portrait of the life of Mexican painter Friday Kohl and her life's bitterness, her political believes, and the tormented relationship with her painter husband, Diego Riviera. As a result the motive of her artworks is basically in self- portraits. Friday's personality projects to be a liberal, passionate, independent, strong, and charming woman.She was an eminent artist in the 20th century who exposes angular exceptional thoughts ahead of her time; as a result, many people consider her as feminist although there is a little controversy about this. Magdalene Carmen Friday Kohl y Cauldron, known as Friday Kohl, was born July 6, 1907 in Accompany, Mexico City, Mexico. She died July 13, 1954 in the same place that she was born. She suffered poliomyelitis at the age of six, and at age eighteen, she was a victim of a tragic bus accident which resulted nine surgeries that left her with constant pain and infertility.However, her strength made her replace her agony with art. While she was in bed for recovery, her mom gave her a mirror to see herself. Therefore, through her paintings, we can feel her pain and sensibility. For instance, in one self-portrait â€Å"The Broken Columns†dressed in a metal corset, she painted in a surrealistic way because she was almost naked with nails in her whole body. She is crying; perhaps, we can imagine the dimension of the pain, but she knew what the pain truly was (Sayers).Friday had been damaged for the life by illness and the bus accident, but the last injury was from Diego Riviera, her husband, who Just brought emotional disturbance which lasted until her death. She loved him passionately and obsessively, so she endured his many infidelities including with her sister, Christina. However, she also had many affairs not only with men but also with women. Having a liberal personality, Friday was never committed to social norms; thus her behavior was consequent with her identity and freedom. Even more, she was always inspired by love for her country, dressing in Mexican native gowns.Besides, the political struggle as consequence of 30 years under the government of Portfolio Ditz, a rebellion environment, the Mexican Revolution, and the Mexican constitution surrounded Friday when she was growing up. Therefore, she acquired a social consciousness, identified with the Communist Party. Also, she took the risk of hiding Leon Trotsky, the revolutionary Marxist activist against Stalin, in her house having an affair with him during that time (Hearer). As a feminist, Friday is considered an idol precisely for her personality.She never cares about superficial elements to get attention. She assumed her identity with plenty of liberty, and never suppressed her inclination to be bisexual. Today, many women admire her because she acted at that time as a c ontemporary woman in the criterion of being a feminist. However, there is a controversy about this because her emotional dependence on Diego has been questionable. She was completely independent, having her own style in her work. Perhaps, she had great and unusual capacity to love that not everybody could understand.In addition, Friday has been an inspiration for many writers, directors, and Journalists to write about her (Gunderson). Her self-portraits reflect the reality of one life with all the experiences, suffering, pain, tradition and history, with bright colors, so these things captivate the hearts of women and men. Friday had the first exhibition of her work a year before her death, and she was well known as an artist. Her true fame began in 1978, with public presentations around the world of her artwork, recognizing her as one of the best painters not only in Mexico but also in the roll.In fact, we can find Friday's paintings at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York), an d one of her portraits was sold to Soothers a British multinational corporation, for nearly 1. 5 million dollars, being one of the biggest prices paid at a bidding for a Latin American artwork (Sayers). Ironically, her fate was not the enjoyment of all the values that she had, such as an artist, but Friday is a legacy of art, history, and humanity. Her work is biographic, full of passion, and she reflects the bitterness of life for what today we identified with her beautiful mind. Frida Kahlo Friday Kohl (1907-1954) was a Mexican artist who grew up during the Mexican Revolution, a time of great social and economic change. There was a strong sense of nationalistic pride during this time, which is evident in her later works. During childhood, Kohl had polio, this affected her growth and development. Furthermore, she was involved in a bus accident later in her life, which damaged her spine and was extremely traumatic in her mental processes. Because of this, she had ongoing surgery throughout her life, and, was in constant pain.However, after this accident, she began painting to express herself. As a result of her accident, she suffered numerous miscarriages and was unable to have children – an issue she explores in her 1932 work ?Henry Ford Hospital]. Kohl was an active participant in the social and political landscape of Mexico, and used artworks to express her social and political views, as well as themes of her physical pain and contain, cultural background and my thology, and Mexican traditions through her dress, layout, and symbolism.Particularly evident in ?Lass Dos Fridays, history and culture are shown to be an incredibly influential and important aspect of Friday's mindset and views on life ND her own personal and cultural identity. Lass Dos Fridays is one of Kohl's largest works at approximately 68 x 68 inches in size. L It is a departure from the retable format she frequently used, reflecting Kohl's desire for her work to be noticed at the Surrealist exhibition for which it was intended. 2 Two monumental, full length representations of the artist are seated side-by-side on a simple green bench, gently holding hands.Behind them, dark, Jagged clouds blanket the sky, eliminating any specific sense of place. The two figures are linked by a shared circulatory system which pumps blood between their exposed hearts. The figure on the left uses a clamp in an attempt to stanch the flow of blood falling on her stiff white gown. 3 As the blood po ols in the folds of her dress, it spills over and falls onto the hem of her skirt in uniform, circular droplets. The shape of the falling droplets of blood mimics, both in color and shape, the embroidered floral pattern which adorns the bottom of her skirt.This antiquated frock with an elaborately decorated lace bodice covers the majority of the figure's body with the exception of her forearms and her left breast, which is exposed by an irregularly formed void in the garment. 4 Significantly, the lack of Jose thread and the absence of the excess fabric that would have been produced had her garment been forcibly ripped open suggests a less violent, perhaps voluntary, method of exposure. Adjacent to the figure's heart, the lace bodice is interrupted by a cutout which provides a view of the white under-layer supporting the lacework.This oblong cutout, bordered by ribbon and topped with an intricate knot of hair-like fabric, references the female anatomy. The figure's demure posture and vividly painted red lips convey a sense of femininity which is repeated in her elaborate gown. Her heart is embedded in her body, a part of her self, whereas the earth of the figure on the right seems to float, affixed to her gown but not to her body. Furthermore, the heart of the portrait on the left has been surgically dissected to reveal its inner-workings while the heart of the figure on the right is intact.The two figures are connected by an elongated artery which wraps around the European Kohl's neck, contrasting the white lace of her gown with the deep red of her own blood. The self-portrait on the right exudes a much more masculine aura than her companion; her lips are unpainted and the slightest shadow of a mustache darkens her upper lip. Additionally, her spread knees and slightly curved back suggest a more relaxed, less demure, pose. The masculine elements of the portrait on the right are complicated by the way in which the thin fabric of her blouse clings to her breasts , highlighting their outline and affirming her femaleness.She is clothed in the Tenant dress native to the Isthmus of Authentic, home to a traditionally matriarchal society known for the strength and independence of its indigenous female residents. 5 The white hem of the Tenant Kohl's dress is embroidered with a white-on-white floral pattern that mimics the vivid red flowers of the European own, symbolically connecting the two figures and reminding the viewer that the blood dripping on the white gown comes from the bodies of both figures due to their shared circulatory system. While the vascular system of the figure on the left is completely exposed and travels across the surface of her gown, the main artery of the figure on the right disappears under the shoulder of her blouse, reappearing as it wraps around her arm. The Tenant Kohl is penetrated by the artery leading from her heart to the medallion held in her right hand. This artery culminates in an image of Riviera as a child wh ich Kohl delicately holds near her womb. Alternatively, the cylindrical shape of the medallion and the positioning of Kohl's hand suggests a vulgar masculine gesture, reiterating the androgynous nature of the Tenant Kohl.In spite of their many differences, the two Kohl's are inextricably linked, not only due to their role as multiple facets of the artist's identity but by their interlocking hands, the continuity of the hems of their gowns, and their shared circulatory system. This symbiotic relationship reiterates the unity of these two figures, not as conflicting elements of Kohl's identity, but as the visual expression of al facets of one complex whole. Lass Dos Fridays serves as a depiction of the multiple facets of Kohl's identity which span centuries of Mexican history.Kohl's use of elements drawn from throughout Mexican history forges a sense of unity that encompasses Mexico pre-Columbian, Colonial, and Revolutionary past. Thus, rather than dichotomies, Lass Dos Fridays embodi es the unity of seemingly incompatible parts which express Kohl's conceptualization of Mexico and her personal identity as it related to the history of her country. Because Kohl's father was German and her mother was Indian, Lass Dos Fridays can e interpreted as a visualization of her mixed European/Mexican heritage. The concept of the Colonial is of particular importance.As a product of the European colonization of Mexico, Kohl literally embodies both the colonizer and the colonized. In Lass Dos Fridays, Kohl uses a lacy, white and characteristically European or American gown to represent outside influence in Mexico. In addition to her mixed heritage, Kohl quite literally utilized her self-portraiture, especially manipulations of costume, to transform herself into a representation of Mexican history and identity. Kohl's manipulation of Mexican tradition to comment on contemporary politics is exemplified by her appropriation of La Lorena in Henry Ford Hospital, 1932 (fig.AY). In thi s self-portrait, Kohl depicts the aftermath of the abortion of her most recent pregnancy. The popular perception of Kohl's views on motherhood assert that, ?she lived as well with a yearning for a child she could never have?her smashed pelvis led only to miscarriages and at least three therapeutic abortions. 126 This traditional view does not account for the fact that Kohl herself requested an abortion and voluntarily ingested castor oil in the hope of ending her 1932 pregnancy. Henry Ford Hospital is a self portrait of a crying Kohl, laying naked and disheveled on a hospital bed following her 1932 abortion at the Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. Her bed rests at a precarious angle, situated in a vast expanse of barren land, possibly a reference to the loneliness a Mexican woman felt who rejected deeply embedded cultural norms about womanhood and motherhood. 30 In the background, Kohl added a skyline reminiscent of the River Rouge Plant in Detroit, calling to mind the role of the fem ale body as a site dedicated to the production of children. Placing herself against a stark white sheet soaked in her own blood, Kohl included prominent tears rolling down her face. These tears are the most straightforward link between Kohl and La Lorena. ! In depicting herself as La Lorena, Kohl utilized the power of folklore to address social issues far beyond the scope of her personal angst. She appropriated a cultural symbol as a direct commentary on societal norms and their restrictive nature regarding women and their ability to control reproduction.In Henry Ford Hospital, Kohl explicitly challenges the dichotomy of the virgin and the here that categorizes women as either good or bad mothers. 32 This dichotomy leaves little freedom for women to exist between these two extremes and is clearly tailored to the preservation of male power. Kohl does present herself in a vulnerable state, but her brazen depiction of her disregard cultural norms which equated womanhood to motherhood r eferences the powerful Micronesian goddesses rather than the violated Lorena.In depicting herself as La Lorena, Kohl lays the groundwork for Chicane artists to redefine the role of women in these cultures without abandoning their three mother figures, La Lorena, La Virgin De Guadalupe, and La Mainline. Henry Ford Hospital challenged cultural norms concerning womanhood and allowed Kohl to publicly address issues she was otherwise unwilling to discuss. Through her art, Friday lived this different reality, announcing that giving birth to the other within us is where ‘who we are' begins. 4 Self-proclaimed as the one who gave birth to herself' (Feints, 1995, plate 49), Friday Kohl painted her own reality; reclaiming it, reflecting it and repeatedly re-living it. A performer of gender roles, unabashedly excessive in femininity as well as masculinity, and an intimate lover of both women and men, she painted narratives ND wrote images that exploit the creative tensions concealed and c ompelled by oppositional rationale. Boldly confronting the thorny imperative of subjectivity, she embraced her heterogeneous marginality as a valuable political standpoint as well as an innovative personal imperative.Her works re-activate identities as assemblages of dynamic and incomplete parts operating in the various cultural contexts that partially produce and are produced by the subjects who inhabit and perform them. Perhaps most compellingly of all, though, her arresting gaze fixes the viewer, unsettling the assumed division between the bile viewing subject and its inert viewed object, and returning the viewer's scrutiny towards a consideration of how, and with what effects, identity and marginality are normatively dealt with and reconciled.Hybrid of race, sex, gender and sexuality coalesce in Friday's work to disrupt cogently the paradigm of sameness versus difference that has historically elided dissident identities. Her paintings, which negotiate the intricate tensions betw een identity and marginality, situate her ‘in between'. A curious artist and committed idealist, she painted magic with a realist brush, and in so doing dealt with difference differently. Frida Kahlo While scrolling through a list of Friday Kohl's artwork, I stumbled upon her painting titled Henry Ford Hospital. The thumbnail alone Jumped off of the screen and caught my eye. I was immediately pulled in by the beauty of the female figure lying nude on a hospital bed. Upon further inspection of the image, it became quite clear which aspects of this piece I gravitated towards and why. The image is a painful self-portrait surrounding the experience of Friday's second miscarriage.While I can not relate to the tragedy of losing a wanted fetus, I can strongly relate to the grief experienced during and after the expulsion of one's womb. In this piece, Friday has painted herself on a hospital bed with a pool of blood surrounding her and a somewhat contorted body. Her legs and pelvis are twisted away from the viewer, suggesting her discomfort or perhaps even shame. She has her hands cradling her still bloated belly with what appear to be six different umbilical cords leading to different s ymbolic objects.Attached to the umbilical cords are the fetus, a snail, a dying orchid, a medical machine, a human pelvis, and the sidewise of diagram depicting the female anatomy. The fetus is that of her would-be sons Disguise, or â€Å"Little Diego' (her husband's name). The snail is thought to be representative of her painfully slow delivery of a dead baby. The single orchid, which is said to be a real orchid that her husband gave her, has long been viewed as a symbol of love, strength, and sexuality. The medical machine pictured, to me, seems to be a symbol of the cold and sometimes robotic process of any medical procedure.The final two items connected to Friday's abdomen, the diagram of the female body and a pelvic bone, portray an awareness of what this second miscarriage meaner hectically for her body. In the background of the image, we see the many industrial buildings of Detroit, where Friday was at the time of the miscarriage. In 1925, Friday Kohl was involved in a terri ble bus accident which left her with a broken pelvis, a broken spinal column, and various other injuries. Friday was told she would most likely never be able to have children. In 1929 she married Diego Riviera and soon she became pregnant. This original pregnancy ended in abortion.Due to her because previously broken pelvis, the fetus was positioned incorrectly which was risk to both Friday and the child. By the time her second pregnancy occurred in 1932, it was clear to Friday that Diego had not wanted children. In an attempt to abort the child, she had unsuccessfully taken quinine. Realizing her failure to terminate Friday chose to continue with the pregnancy. Three and half months pregnant, Friday was admitted to the hospital with severe hemorrhaging and eventually suffered a miscarriage. This painting was created very soon after a traumatic event that made her realize that she could never carry a pregnancy to term. Frida Kahlo The documentary talked about the Mexican painter Friday Kohl who was best known for her unique series of self-portraits. I knew about her artwork and was quite amazed by her way of portraying self-portraits in an extraordinary expression before I watched this documentary. After watching the video, I understand more about the reasons why her painting was done this way. Her artworks brought the pieces of her life stories to the audience. Her marriage with Diego Riviera contributes the later works of her. It was the main influence of her life.If she did not meet Diego Riviera, e would probably see a total Friday Kohl. The complicated relationship from inability of reproduction, Dies unfaithfulness, Kohl's affairs, divorce to remarriage created the Kohl who was physically and emotionally torn. She expressed her life problems in her paintings, her tragic and exotic figures brand her personal art career. However the important event in her life was the undergo of the miscarriage and abortio n. It portrayed the painful personal of Kohl that reflected in the emotional disorder of her artwork.Kohl wanted a child very much, her nightmares ND thoughts about fertility was shown. The fertility dream is the part which I like most about the documentary. It portrays a woman's struggle and pain for losing the ability to have a baby, the heart wrenching when you wish for a child of you and your loves one but you have lost the reproductive system ability. The artwork Henry Ford Hospital (The Flying Bed) provokes the emotions in us. I would also think that this painting attract the attention the issue on fertility, at the same time encourage the public to take care of their reproductive health.It would make a different influence to Kohl's career if she was not living in Mexico. In her paintings, a strong indigenous Mexican culture was shown in the use of intense color and primitive style. She also wore traditional indigenous clothing of Mexico as shown in her paintings. If she was l iving in Europe or America, the colors she used and costumes will most probably reflect the scene of the country instead. The humming birds and monkey painted are animals in Mexican mythology. The folk cultural content will disappear and she will robbery express her self-portrait in another way.I am surprised by the Mexicans attitude to death in the documentary. The way they took death in a celebration manner shocked me. She even painted a dead child and put in on top of her bed. Collection of skeleton in her house showed her close association with death, either death of children or the death itself. I do not agree with Andre Bretons description of Kohl's work as surrealist. Friday Kohl painted her own stories, she did not paint dreams. The dream-like fantasy atmosphere she painted is a metaphor to her own life.Her pain and Joy were represented by elements that are irrational and imaginary. They were all what she had been through, but not dream. In my point of view, Friday Kohl was an amazing independent artist. In response to her tragic life, she painted. She triumphed over her life problems by her own strength and self- determination. Painting the reality helped in expressing her pain and tears, a way of releasing perhaps helped in easing her suffering process. She revealed her life in art and this has helped to address the issues to the public that serves as a reminder and encouragement.
Friday, September 27, 2019
What is the #1 global challenge facing humans on earth Essay
What is the #1 global challenge facing humans on earth - Essay Example The contemporary setting explains that a beneficial economy generates overpopulation due to competing survival skills and behavior. The current world population statistics indicate figure above seven billion. A comparison of the same figure over years of economic transformation and industrialization reveals a steady increase in the general population. This paper analyzes overpopulation as a leading global challenge facing humans on earth. The discussion targets to explore causes of overpopulation, effects of overpopulation and solutions to overpopulation. Various population data of the world’s nations will form the basis of argument on the topic. The presentation will also feature various population conditions in regards to geography as a course study to address the crisis â€Å"The population of Earth in 2014 is estimated to be 7.2 billion, but people are not evenly distributed across the landscape†(Dahlman & William, 210). The major cause of the world’s overpopulation crisis arises from growing birth rates on different regions of the world. The difference between the birth rate and mortality rate is the growth rate. This is a significant contributor to the rapidly increasing population of the world’s human race. The reduced mortality rate supports population explosion with increased population in unproductive regions of the world. A major contributor to the reduced mortality rate is the increased innovation and technological advancement. The invention of better medical services increases the life saving aspects of a given community or population. The uneven distribution of humans means that some places are more â€Å"crowded†than others are, and other places are more â€Å"empty.†(Dahlman & William, 212). The advancement supports both age groups between the young, middle aged and the old populations. The application of improved medical facilities operates directly with an immediate population resulting to increased lifespan and population
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Pricing Strategy Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Pricing Strategy - Case Study Example Pricing must show a positive correlation with other elements of the mix so as to achieve the objectives of a firm. In addition, pricing is complex as it must imitate the demand and supply relationship of the product. Firms need to charge a fair price, since charging too high for the product or too low might lead to reduction in sales for the organization thus reducing the profitability of the organization. Therefore, there is a need for the hotel to consider the profit factors in determining the price of the product. In this case, the profit factors includes; the objectives of the company, variable and fixed cost associated with the product, the targeted market and willingness and ability to pay, the competition environment prevailing in the industry and planned positioning strategies (Smith and Smith 271). In the consideration, of the above classification, the place or rather the location of the hotel is vital for pricing. Avira hotel is strategically situated, where in the neighbor hood there various tourist attraction site thus offering the possibility a wider a market. Also, the hotel operates from an area which is close to the airport, bank and various garden as well as other recreational areas. This implies that the many of the customers are individuals who have a higher willingness ability to pay; therefore, the price must reflect this consideration (Smith and Smith 282). The strategic positioning in an area where there demand of the hotels implies the price charged by the hotel must reflect the supply constrain, since there are only five-star hotels in the area, while the number of the customer is higher. This implies that demand is considerably high since it is only in the month may that the hotels products experienced an average of about 50% occupancy this justifies the move by the hotel review it price so as to reflect this relationship (Smith and Smith 289). Another pricing strategy showcased in this case is the level of competition in the hotel indu stry in the region. There are only five-star hotels serving a wide, thus, the completion between the hotels is not intense as demand is in excess of supply. This implies that, for a hotel to be more competitive than the other hotel so that it can control the large proportion market, therefore, they must consider the pricing strategy so as to maximize on large production thus benefiting from the economies of scale. In respect to competition, the customers consider the utility they derive and compare this to the price that they pay for the product. It is evident that the price that Avari hotel is slightly higher than that of its key competitor Pearl. Usually consumers will pay higher for a commodity if they think that the commodity is superior as compared to the others. In this case, when Avira lowered its price in the month of November lower than its competitors Pearl; that is pearl charges $1065 and Avira $1000. Pearl occupancy level rises to 80% as compared to 70% Avira. This has t he implication that consumers equate the price they pay to the utility or satisfaction they derive from consuming these products. Avira also utilizes premium pricing, where it charges higher prices for its products to show the how its product is exclusive as compared to the product offered by other firms and especially competition. This case can be delineated by the ever higher price charged by Avira as compared to Pearl. In addition to this, the
The Role of Nursing Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Role of Nursing - Article Example The boards set the minimum competencies and qualifications such as academic qualifications, age and experience for practitioners in the professions. One of the reasons the nursing profession requires to be regulated and closely monitored is for the reason that the risk associated with the civic being attended to by unqualified or incompetent practitioners. The boards therefore only offer the licenses to competent and qualified nurses who have met the minimum set qualifications. Because the public may not identify unqualified practitioners or the irregularities, they may be vulnerable to exploitation from unprofessional practices (Shirley, 1998). The state nursing boards ensure competence in the nursing practice through regulating license issuance, entry into the profession, disciplinary action and license renewal. The duties and responsibilities of state nursing boards are defined by the law makers so as to protect the public from unsafe nursing practices. The establishment of state nursing boards ensures that the stake holders in the nursing practice are competent enough and that they meet all the requirements as per the regulations (Shirley, 1998). State nursing boards of nursing are agencies formed by the governments to regulate the nursing practice in the state. ... The state boards of nursing are also involved regulating the nursing practice through licensing all the nursing operations in the state (Allen, 2011). The board issues the nursing license only if they are qualified to safe nursing. After the issuing of the licenses, the state nursing boards continue monitoring the nursing practice where be if unsafe practices are identified the licenses will be reclaimed and legal actions taken. The roles of the board in the nursing involve employing and registering nurses and inquiring on irregularity cases by applying the set discipline procedures. The state nursing boards are required to report to the state administrations such as the governor of the state and the state agencies (Staunton & Mary, 2007). The state boards of nursing are allocated the authoritative powers to make decisions on the nursing practice as well as registering all the qualified practitioners in the nursing sector. The board also has the powers to take disciplinary actions ag ainst unsafe nursing practices (Allen, 2011). Some of the authoritative powers that the nursing boards are allocated involve developing standards of safe nursing, licensing and developing organizational rules and regulations. The nursing boards have also been allocated the powers to approve or disapprove the nursing and health care educational programs offered in colleges and universities. All the nursing practitioners are therefore responsible for understanding all the nursing regulations and applying them in practicing safe nursing. The development of the policies and structures governing the nursing is also the responsibility of the nursing board. The primary legislation is made up of the rules which make up the standards. The primary
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Probation and punish Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Probation and punish - Essay Example However, later the sentence got suspended and instead the convict was ordered to undergo probation under a probation officer. The officer was entitled to supervise all the activities of the convict. The officer was supposed to report pertaining to the regular activities of the convict after three months. The crime that was committed by Kris was not considered to be very grave but it was made compulsory that the convict needed to undergo a strict probationary programme under Robert Donovan who is a probationary officer as referred in this particular case (Scheb, II, 2011). The results from the file review match Robert’s opinions as he was given the charge to ensure proper probationary training. Robert was specialized in this field. Moreover, a probation plan was the need of the hour (Scheb, II, 2011). The instance in which Robert is considered to initiate the probation program and Robert’s discussions regarding the intricacies of probation proved to be very appropriate a nd similar (Scheb, II, 2011). However, the convict’s activity was considered to be illegal but the 1 year sentence got cancelled which was not very appropriate and also probation program did not allow proper punishment to the convict. Taking into consideration these aspects, Robert’s views cannot be considered as similar (Scheb, II, 2011). ... In fact, he possessed criminal intentions which required immediate attention (Lippman, 2009). Moreover, he was found to commit an attempt of theft which is a very serious offence. An immediate precaution that could be taken to prevent these negative instances would be to ensure a tight supervision that will be possible with the induction of an appropriate probation program that is needed to be put in place (Lippman, 2009). In addition, putting a criminal behind the bars for a long period of time for an attempt to theft may raise controversies from various supporters of the convict. Many may not find it logical to put a convict under a prison for such instances and activities. Therefore, the best thing to do is to initiate a probation program instead (Lippman, 2009). Question 3: Cruel and unusual punishment is a kind of chastisement that has been amended by the United States constitution. It is considered to be a very strict punishment that is imposed on the serious offenders of law. This includes serious retributions that generally take place in the form of degradation or torture. At times, the severity of punishment becomes even high as compared to the graveness of the crime that is committed (Lippman, 2009). Correctional facility is essentially a punishment in which the offenders are punished as per the graveness of the crimes that are committed. Serious punishment is imposed to those who commit serious crimes i.e. felonies. However, short-term punishment is imposed on the individuals who are not responsible for most hideous crimes. The sentence is pronounced after judging the graveness of the crimes that are committed.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Philosophy of Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Philosophy of Education - Essay Example I believe that Education is the key to success and it is through education that a person receives the fundamental skills and tools that are important in building a life that is successful and prosperous. The quality of education in a country will determine the level of its success and prosperity. Therefore, as a teacher I believe that it is important for every child to receive quality education. Although quality in education is something that cannot be achieved by the teachers only, I believe teachers play a major role in improving the education quality of a country. To improve the quality of education, teachers, parents and all stakeholders in education must work together. Quality in education includes the health and participation of learners, support from family and community, availability of good learning environment, content that is relevant in real life situations and teacher’s organization and proficiency. As a teacher, I believe that everyone has the ability to learn. However, for effective mastering of concepts and skills, a student must show interest in learning and willingness to participate in the learning activities. My work as a teacher is to provide good learning environment in the classroom and improve the quality of education. The arrangement or organization of the classroom can improve or inhibit learning depending on the learning patterns of each child. Therefore, by accommodating the students’ different patterns of learning, the teacher creates an environment that is conducive for learning. Although education has always been associated with economic growth, I believe that with better quality education the economic retu rns can be much higher. It is also evident that increased investment in education increases political stability, democratization, improves the health of the people and reduces poverty and inequality. Thus, I am strongly convinced that it is the role of teachers to ensure that the education provided in schools is of good quality so as to realize the maximum benefits of quality education. Young minds are very critical and delicate, and teaching them is challenging and frustrating. Any indication by the teacher that he or she is not interested in a particular subject or area of study and lacks passion for learning will make the children to lose interest in the same. A teacher must convince the children of his or her knowledge and expertise for them to be willing to learn and show interest in learning. My job, as a teacher is to develop an environment that promotes learning. I am a teacher and an instructor because I posses the passion for guiding children through the process of learnin g and one of the best ways of fostering learning is to show the children these feelings I hold over education. I promote learning by providing a relaxed atmosphere for children, stimulating conversations on presented ideas and organizing ideas in an easy way that can be understood by the learners. I believe subject matter are interconnected thus I emphasize that everything that people learn form a world of understanding from which they develop their personal views. I also believe that showing respect to my students is important because it encourages them to be open and inspires them to respect each other and all other people. My method of teaching is that which acknowledges diversity in teaching methodologies and techniques. I believe that hands on and minds on learning are important because supplementing curriculum with other activities promotes the learning process. I am certain that by involving the learners in fascinating lessons and making use of strategies which address their learning styles, they can achieve success in academics and have self confidence in the learning process. Learning only takes place when the children are fully engaged in the learning process, are personally connected to the concept taught and use the knowledge acquired in real life situations. Therefore, when this happens a child is encouraged to be engaged over and
Monday, September 23, 2019
How parents participate in their children's education Literature review
How parents participate in their children's education - Literature review Example This research will begin with the statement that parent participation in children’s schooling and education is an essential ingredient in the children’s academic success. The study focused on facilitation of increased parental involvement in the education of their children in a multi-ethnic elementary school, California. The findings revealed that students whose parents got actively involved in their education scored better grades and showed more commitment to school work. Suc involvement included regular discussion of child progress with the teacher, checking if the student did their homework, offering remedial work, and offering educational advice.The findings were supported by a later study by BECTA which reported that parents who paid little attention to their children’s education risked having their children perform below par academically. Notably, students who parents actively involved themselves in their academics scored and the average of 55% in contr ast to an average of 43.6 attributed to students who parents were less concerned about their progress in school. As a matter of fact, the study reported a positive correlation between parental involvement and children’s academic performance. Williams & Chavkin, on the other hand, deviated from conventional research which assesses level of parental involvement based on students' academic performance; rather, the researchers sought ways to which parents involve themselves in education of children
Sunday, September 22, 2019
How Did Men Deal with the Stress of World War II Essay Example for Free
How Did Men Deal with the Stress of World War II Essay The iconic â€Å"thousand-yard stare†, a far-off, unfocused gaze characteristic of soldiers who had succumbed to the trauma of war by dissociating from it, emerged with its name through the chilling photos of soldiers who were overtaken by these symptoms in the wake of World War II. It’s no surprise that war takes a toll on the psyche of all those affected by it. Given the brutality and scope of World War II, which began only 21 years after World War II (a war that had already ravaged the landscape and people of Europe leaving high estimates of the death toll at 65 million deaths), civilians and soldiers alike were engulfed in total war. As Hitler and the Nazis’ ideology was based on â€Å"A War of Extermination†fueled by a racial ideology that sought for the ethnic cleansing and complete reengineering of the social population of Europe, the massive amount of Soviet soldiers that perished as they were thrown wave after wave in order to slow the Nazi war machine, and the general cruelty that was apparent in this war, soldiers upon soldiers grew appalled by the nature of the war. As one soldier confesses in The Italian Job, â€Å"After three months, it was demoralizing†¦ it was every night, every night everybody was hunting Germans, everybody was out to kill anybody†¦ we was insane†¦ We did become like animals in the end†¦ Yes, just like rats†¦ It was far worse than the desert. You were stuck in the same place. You had nowhere to go. You didn’t get no rest, like in the desert. No sleep†¦ You never expected to see the end of it. You just forgot why you were there†(Addison 208). Often times, the amount of effort put into it and the lives sacrificed seemed to far outweigh the benefits reaped from both; Gottlob Herbert Bidderman, a German soldier that was present on the Eastern Front reflected on â€Å"the insignificance of twelve kilometers: twelve kilometersâ€â€in an endless land, where unbroken fields stretched to the horizon before us from sunrise to sunset. I wondered how many more twelve-kilometer battles lay ahead of us during our march away from the setting sun†(Bidderman 23). However, like anything that people are overexposed to, these men slowly grew accustomed to and desensitized to the trocities and horrors of the war. Human beings are naturally adaptive beings and history has shown time and time again that they do what is needed in order to survive. It would be simplistic to classify each of the nations and their armies as being uniform in their coping with the war – due to the specific nature of some of the problems and solutions that emerged from belonging to that particular nation (such as the Soviets reveling in their loyalty and the cult-like worship of Stalin and the Nazis racial ideology being one that ensured in their mind their victory), but many men, regardless of their affiliation, handled the war similarly. Some treated the time on these fronts as a long extended workday, disassociating from the acts they committed and the sights they witnessed as simply being a part of a job. Others turned to their families away from home – brothers and sisters, who through their common experiences, pains, and moments of hope, stood together in solidarity. Others turned to the bottom of a bottle to ease the pain; while others turned instead upwards to a higher power, or at the very least began to frequent religious services. Those who were not willing to look quite so loftily turned to their superiors and leaders for guidance and bravery; while in the case of the Soviet soldiers, glanced fearfully backwards as the higher-ups pushed them forward to their death. Far away from home and under harsh conditions, food and other chanced upon provisions and commodities would often serve as a best to moral. Due to the sheer breadth of stress embodied in being a soldier in any front during WWII, soldiers dealt with the immense strain in varying ways in order to keep intact their humanity, or at the very least, keep their sanity so that they could ensure their survival. There is a perception held by many idealistic, young men that war is a somewhat akin to a noble crusade. However, there is the reality is much more analogous, to as one German soldier put it â€Å"this is ten times worse than hell†(Grossman 151). A scene from the Italian Job details this hell: â€Å"some (too many, far too many) were carried in dying, with gross combinations of shattered limbs, protrusions of intestines and brain from great holes in their poor frames torn by 880millimetre shells, mortars and anti-personnel bombs. Some lay quiet and still, with legs drawn up – penetrating wounds of the abdomen. Some were carried in sitting up on the stretcher, gasping and coughing, shot through the lungs †¦ All were exhausted after being under continuous fire, and after lying in the mud for hours and days†(Addison 208). As a result, as these idealistic notions were lost, many turned to viewing the entire ordeal as a job. Having suffered through the war for some time, one soldier remarked, â€Å"You’re fighting for the skin in the line. When I was enlisted I was patriotic as hell. There’s no patriotism in the line. A boy up there 60 days in the line is in danger every minute. He ain’t fighting for patriotism†(Addison 210). Another soldier enjoyed fighting at dawn as he felt that it was almost as if he was heading off to work at the factory. Rather than consciously thinking of all of the horrors that they were witnessing on a daily basis and focusing on the fact that they could die at any moment, the concept of just doing a job provided a blanket under which these men sought to maintain control of their humanity by separating their psyches from the appalling state of being they were in. A man in an earlier war who was quoted in Addison’s book stated that â€Å"whatever its size a man’s world was his sectionâ€â€at most, his platoon; all that mattered to him was the one little boatload of castaways with whom he was marooned on a desert island making shift to keep off the weather and any sudden attacks by wild beast†(Addison 211). Away from their families and friends, immersed in a bloody war where hundreds upon thousands of people could die in a skirmish or battle, these soldiers could only count on each other to truly understand the situation they were currently in. Beaten and battered together, having lost many of the same friends, triumphed momentarily, or retreated hastily, this mutual understanding gave way to a support group – a family who soldiers could lean upon and secure their well being. Of this, Bidermann wrote, â€Å"Our thoughts were constantly occupied by the tenuous if not hopeless situation in which we found ourselves. We received solace only in our numbers and in being with comrades with whom we had shared so many experiences over the weeks, months, and years†(Bidermann 266). Repeatedly throughout the 3 readings, there is mention of men, whether they in the heat of battle or â€Å"relaxing†with company, being drunk. It’s no surprise as alcohol has been a means by which men have coped with their problems for thousands of years. If the problems won’t go away, the solution for some has been to drink until those problems do not register as problems anymore. As such, Holmes noted â€Å"headaches were almost universal in a theatre of war where wine and brandy were readily available†(Addison 212). Grossman ctually talks about how his battalion commander Kozlov, in the midst of battle, â€Å"withstood an attack of tanks. He was on great form and completely drunk. The tanks were thrown back in a dashing fashion†(Grossman 103). As religion has functioned as a form of comfort since the inception of civilization and the birth of religion, it was only natural for men living in depravity to come to it to relieve them of some of their burden. Subsequently, the men of the clergy were often instrumental to moral and aid. Furthermore, due to the looming possibility of death in war, the mortality of some became that much more apparent. In Bidermann’s account, he talks of a divisional chaplain named Satzger who had several times risked his life to recover wounded men. Resulting from men of the cloth like Satzger and with death looming, â€Å"many of the soldiers who had not been so inclined began to attend religious services †¦ For far too many [the chaplain] would offer the last voice of reassurance and the last vestige of comfort before they, too, succumbed to mortal wounds†(Bidermann 25). Another Catholic priest was dubbed â€Å"the rucksack priest†as he carried a field pack from which he provided troops on the front lines with simple food items that had in war become luxuries. While it may have been a spiritual solace that many received at the hands of these men of God, others attended for the sake of having a comforting and helping hand. It’s been told that leaders are supposed to lead by example. Caught in chaotic times, superior officers often functioned as beacons to rally around. In times past, great leaders such as George Washington, Alexander the Great, and Genghis Khan immersed themselves in battles, showing that the best commanders do not directing them from the rear, but rather leading them in the front. A commanding officer by the name of â€Å"Captain Kendall, turned a shaky company into a passably good one by public displays of sheer guts. ‘Look at me,’ he said quietly, walking from man to man under fire. ‘They can’t hit me. Look at me’†(Addison 210). Examples like this provided moral boosts to dreary men who needed something positive to cling to. Conversely, rather than inspiring by a guiding light of bravery and courage, the Soviets were incentivized onwards by the ever-present detachments behind the troops that would shoot deserters. Grossman describes this in further detail: â€Å"Stalin’s Order No. 27 – ‘Not One Step Back’ – included the instruction to each army command to organise ‘three to five well-armed [blocking] detachments (up to two hundred men each)’ to form a second line to ‘combat cowardices’ by shooti ng down any soldier who tried to run away†(Grossman 141). As many Soviet soldiers understood the likelihood of their death in squaring off against the Nazis, the desire to flee was understandable. Stalin believed that the presence of the troops would force the Soviet troops to fight even harder. Pushed forwards, the stark realization of soldiers was expressed by Grossman: â€Å"Once you are here, there is no way out. Either you will lose your head or your legs†¦ Everyone knows that those who turn and run would be shot on the spot. This was more terrifying than the Germans†(Grossman 146). Under the constant strain of needing to ration supplies and consistently cut off from supply lines, soldiers had to make do with their limited resources. Given the treacherous nature of the constant advancement and lack of luxuries, whenever there was time to enjoy the comfort brought by certain goods that had faded away from recent recollection to distant memories, the time was relished and the goods provided relief to the men. In fact, Bidermann specifically noted several instances where his regiment and he would partake in â€Å"luxuries†that were not available to them by enjoying the spoils of war. â€Å"Two August was marked by a break in the monotonous field rations, when we boiled freshly dug potatoes in an unnamed Ukrainian village. Obserschutze Fehr had already plucked a chicken, and together with the boiled hen and potatoes we ate peeled cucumbers†(Bidermann 24). In another instance, his crew discovered a still-intact collective farm and was able to enjoy hot coffee, schmalzbrot, and sleep in small thatched-roof huts. Though seemingly commonplace to us, moments such as these provided brief relief and respite from the horrors of daily life across the theatres, and allowed soldiers to momentarily reflect on how life used to be. Constantly under an onslaught of forces that, if mishandled, could cause a man to lose his mind, soldiers used some, if not all, of the aforementioned forms to provide relief or inspiration in persevering in their struggle. Under pressure, these men had to find whatever means by which to motivate themselves to return safely home, and more so than that, return home as much themselves as before.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Main Causes Of World War II
Main Causes Of World War II Yesterday, December 7, 1941- a date which will live in infamy- the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan. (Franklin Delano Roosevelt) These are the beginning words of President Roosevelts Pearl Harbor Speech. He made this famous speech on December 8, 1941, the day after the attack on Pearl Harbor. There were three specific events that helped lead to World War II. The attack by the Japanese on the naval base Pearl Harbor is what brought America into the war. The formation of the Nazi Party was also a reason for much turmoil in Europe. One of the biggest reasons for war in Europe was the ruling of Adolf Hitler. Hitler was able to take a small political party and turn it in to an outstanding army. The attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese brought devastation and turmoil to the already hurting America. At this time America had elected their new president, Franklin Roosevelt, in hopes that he could bring them out of the great depression that they were suffering through. The Great Depression was causing unemployment rates to skyrocket across the country, and something needed to be done. The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on the Sunday morning of December 7, 1941. The Japanese planes were mistaken for friendly aircrafts on the bases radars. Pearl Harbor was a naval base, positioned in Hawaii. This naval base was home to some of the biggest battleships in the United States navy. One of these great battleships was the U.S.S Arizona. (Vandivor) In an interview, George Phraner, former Aviation Machinist aboard the U.S.S Arizona said, Behind me, a marine lay dead on the deck, his body split in two. I began to realize there were dead men all around me. (Phraner) This quote shows how bloody and frantic this attack was. In another interview of the Navy Seamen aboard the U.S.S California, John H. McGoran said this, Only one who was there can fully appreciate what took place.(McGoran) The Japanese attacked in two waves, sinking or damaging all eight battleships of the U.S. Pacific Fleet. Over 350 aircrafts were destroyed or severely damaged. More than 3,500 people were killed or injured in those waves of attacks by the Japanese planes ( The day after the attack on Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt gave his famous Pearl Harbor speech, and declared war against the Empire of Japan. Some believe that World War II is what brought us out of our Great Depression. The war gave thousands of Americans a job. Women went to work in factories making tanks, aircrafts, and weapons to support the war. The men went to war fighting for their country. The formation of the Nazi Party brought a quick start to World War II in Europe. In the year 1919, Anton Drexler, Godfried Feder and Dietrich Eckhart, formed the German Workers Party in Munich. This was considered a left-wing revolutionary group by the German Army. The German Army got worried and sent a young man named Adolf Hitler, who was one of the armys education officers, to go behind the lines of this new party that had just formed (Kudlinski). Soon, Hitler discovered that the political opinions of the German Workers Party were very close to his own views. Hitler approved of Drexlers German nationalism and anti-Semitism but did not like the way the party was organized. Even though Hitler was a spy, whenever a member of the party made a point he disagreed with, Hitler would stand up and make a passionate speech on that subject. Later Hitler would become a member of the German Workers Party, and would want to run the party the way he felt was right. He challenged Anton Drexler for the leadership of the party in 1921. Drexler accepted the inevitable, and let Hitler have leadership of the party. Hitler would be put in prison for three months because of his violence towards his rival politicians. After Hitler was released he formed his own army which he called Sturm Abteilung (Storm Section). The SA, also known as the stormtroopers, was instructed to disrupt the meetings of Hitlers political opponents and to protect Hitler himself from revenge attacks. The party which was now called the Nazi Party was growing in numbers every day. It had an outstanding army of over 3,000 troops, and followers were beginning to adore the new Adolf Hitler (Vanderwerff). As the Nazi Party grew, the hate crimes that they committed against the Jews grew along with it. Hitler, through propaganda, made it look like the Jews were of lower intelligence and that they were the center of every crime committed. He claimed that the Jewish youth lies in wait for hours on end satanically glaring at and spying on the unconscious girl whom he plans to seduce, adulterating her blood with the ultimate idea of bastardizing the white race which they hate and thus lowering its cultural and political level so that the Jew might dominate (Vanderwerff). The rise of Hitler in the Nazi Party and his control in Europe played a big part in getting the war started. Hitler knew how to grab the attention of the German people. He would use whatever resources he had, to gain the trust and respect of the people. Hitler would use propaganda to win the support of the people. Since he controlled the media, he could tell the German people whatever he wanted them to hear and they wouldnt know if it was the truth or just the opinion of Hitler himself. In the propaganda that he would put out in the public, he would tell the people about how the Jews were bad people and how to tell if someone was a Jew by their facial features, such as a big nose or curly, dark hair (Rise of Hitler). Hitler was extremely racist against almost everybody, but more in particular, he was racist against the Jews. He believed that they were a dirty race and that they should be killed. Hitler looked over the fact that some of his favorite composers were Jewish. Hitler soon gained control of Germany. He had plans to take over the whole world, but his plans had to start somewhere. He had his army attack Poland. Poland was not ready for such an attack. Although they fought bravely, Poland was using weapons and vehicles from the First World War. Germany on the other hand had started using different types of attacks. They used new strategies for their air raids and land attacks. One of these new techniques was the Blitzkrieg (Vanderwerff). According to the History Learning Site, Germanys air force had bombers in numbers up to 850, and over 400 fighters in the attack on Poland. The Polish Air Force had 210 bombers and 150 fighters. When the Russians invaded eastern Poland on September 17th, Polands defeat was inevitable. On September 24th, Warsaw was bombed by 1150 German aircraft. On September 27th, Warsaw surrendered. The last Polish troops surrendered on October 6th (Attack on Poland). After the attack on Poland, Hitler ordered the attack on many other countries such as France and Britain. Hitler started some of his first concentration camps in Oranienburg Germany. These concentration camps would hold the captured Jews that Hitler had found. These camps are where nearly six million Jews were exterminated under the hand of Hitler. In these camps, the Jews would work but barely get fed if they were fed at all. The Jews would work until they were gassed, burned, shot, or died from malnutrition. On May 21st, 1935 Adolf Hitler announced, Germany has concluded a Non-Aggression Pact with Poland We shall adhere to it unconditionally we recognize Poland as the home of a great and nationally conscious people. Four years later, Adolf Hitler attacked Poland, beginning what is now called World War II. There were three specific events that helped lead to World War II. The attack by the Japanese on the naval base Pearl Harbor is what brought America into the war. The formation of the Nazi Party was also a reason for much turmoil in Europe. One of the biggest reasons for war in Europe was the ruling of Adolf Hitler. Hitler was able to take a small political party and turn it in to an outstanding army. Not many people know the real causes of World War II. This is one of the greatest events in our worlds history, and I believe everybody should know the facts about it.
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