
Tuesday, February 5, 2019

A Streetcar Named Desire, by Tennessee Williams Essay -- A Streetcar Na

ENGLISH ESSAYIn the play A Streetcar Named Desire, Tennessee Williams uses his brilliant writing to bring life to his characters in the story. I will be composing a character sketch on Stanley, one of the main actors in the play. I will focus on evaluating Stanleys ever changing character traits in the role he plays. They incorporate of different moods that he demonstrates during the play his aggressiveness, his love for Stella and also his rudeness and severeness towards Blanche.Lets begin by talking closely the way Stanleys aggressiveness affects the coming of the play. During scene three, while the boys were playing poker, Blanche and Stella come into the kitchen and, as a result, crack the games.This got Stanley very angry and violent . For this reason he got up and began contend Stella. Here is a passage from that scene Men Take it mild, Stanley, easy fellow,--Lets all--. Stella You lay your hands on me and Ill&8212(57) This just proves what I was saying about one of St anleys moods. His violence and the fact that he looses control of his actions is one feature film which I didnt particularly like at all about Stanley. Heres other passage in Scene 10 that in reality shows how mean Stanley really is. This scene depicts when Stanley gets into a fight with Blanche. The scene concludes on a fictive note when Blanche breaks a bottle top on the table and trys to wrong Stanley . Stanley says Oh S...

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