
Monday, February 4, 2019

Blake Coleridge Swift :: essays papers

The Symbolism of savior William Blake, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Jonathan Swift were very unalike writes but atomic number 18 bound by basic delivererian beliefs. In their writings there are strong references to Christ and symbolic images of Him. Blake writes The dearest as a symbolic patch upative of Christ. Coleridge uses populacey form of spiritual symbolism in his metrical composition The Rhime of the Ancient Mariner, but the occasion that stands out the most is how the millst bingle represents Christ. Swift writes in Gullivers Travels, of a man formd Pedro de Mendez who is a savior to Gulliver. These three authors show us how Christian views and rescuer are a part of life not just in the Bible but also in current society. Blake uses our questions about confidence to emphasize the importance of Christ in our lives.Blake emphasizes the connection of which the child is course aware, when he writes, I, a child, and thou a lamb, We are called by his name(p.128 9). The tone, however, is the genuine simplicity of a childs speech. The first verse is a serial of questions addressed to the lamb, which represents Jesus. The second stanza begins with the child being able to answer those questions. Blake writes, atomic Lamb, Ill tell thee(p.1289). Meaning that the child understands Christ being the savior. These questions are asked rigorously for the satisfaction that it gives the child in answering and to show the childs understanding of God. Blake shows Christ in a way that is innocent like the child. Blake writes this poem apply the example of the lamb found in nature to represent Christ and uses the child to represent man trying to understand God. Blake uses the lamb to represent Christ in nature in the same way that Coleridge uses the albatross to represent Christ in nature. Coleridge uses religious and natural symbolism, which correspond with one another and play the most important roles in this poem. Although there are many d ifferent interpretations of this poem, one idea that has remained common throughout the poem is that of the religious symbolism present. Especially that of Christ and his ability to save, which was present throughout this poem. The symbolism is that of the albatross. The albatross saves the Mariner for bad weather and keeps the sailors in

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