
Saturday, February 16, 2019

Seven Virtues vs. Seven Sins :: essays research papers

Seven Virtues versus Seven SinsVirtues be character strengths consistently utilise to moral decision making. They show positive patterns of behavior. However, vices argon negative patterns of behavior, often harmful to ones self or differents. The seven virtues are faith, hope, charity, prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance. The seven deadly sins are pride, envy, gluttony, lust, wrath, greed, and sloth. Practicing one virtue can shelter one from the temptation to perform an act which is sinful.Charity is love. It is devotion to others, which requires strength, effort, doctrine and courage on our part. People who are generous and helpful to others fatiguet postulate many signs of envy their charity protects them from it. Envy is the reversion of charity it is the desire to have things that other people have, such as possessions, traits, and abilities. Charity, however, helps protect from envy, keeping one away from envious temptations.Prudence is essentially common s ense. A prudent psyche thinks What is the right thing for me to do? rather than rushing in without thinking. A prudent psyche is protected from being prideful. Pride is extreme belief in ones own abilities to the extent that it interferes with the recognition of the grace of god. Pride is the sin that other sins come from, because if you are prideful, you believe that what you are doing is the right thing, and you cannot be dissuaded from it. frugality is control doing things in moderation, rather than allowing oneself to go to extremes. A temperate individual does not overindulge himself. gula is the contrary it means to overindulge oneself. Gluttony can also be shown as selfishness, because a gluttonous person always wants more.Faith is to be firmly attached to something or someone by love. A faithful person truly loves and commits to their partner. Lust is the opposite of faith. It is sexual craving and obsessive desire. Lust promotes the like that this is all in that loc ation is. Lust blinds people and prevents them from seeing true love and commitment.Fortitude is courage. It is when we are called on to stand up for what we believe is right, while going against the grain. psyche who has fortitude can bear something unpleasant rather than becoming harassed and wrathful. Wrath is anger it is the opposite of fortitude. Wrath is in a person who rejects love, choosing anger instead.Justice reminds us that all people deserve to have their basic needs met.

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