
Saturday, February 16, 2019

The History Of Bowling Essay -- essays research papers fc

The sport of bowl has a lengthy history packed with an evolution that has comprehensive rules and is an indoor(a) activity that has become one of the most popular sports in the world. It butt easily be said that over 50% of Americans slang bowled in one case in their lifetime, whether it was for a birthday party or on a date. However, many people bowl routinely without knowing anything about the evoke history of the blue.Oddly, one of the newest of professional sports, bowling is one of the most ancient. In one form or another bowling has been around for more than 7,000 and years. First traces of the sport were discovered in Egyptian tombs, but historians expression that cavemen may well have had been the originator. Having the first form of bowling exploitation rocks or pebbles to toss at other rocks or pebbles. (Pezzano 13)The Romans, Phoenicians, and Carthaginians were in addition believed to have compete the game in few fashion, but there is no proof available. However , historians know that in Julius Caesars time period, around 50 B.C., people in the Alpine regions of Italy played a game called bocce, which is considered the Italian form of bowling and is still played today. (Pezzano 13)The cry bowl could be derived from the Saxon bolla and the Danish bolle, which translated to a spherical object. Another theory is that the word originated from the Latin bulla , or the French boule, both meaning ball. wheel has been known by many different names bowls, skittles, kegling, ninepins, Dutch pins and quilles. (Pezzano 13) accord to ancient records, Germanys first bowling took on a religious significance. In the early Christian era citizens carried stakes or clubs called kegles. They were utilise for many purposes, from beating through bushes to defense weapons against attackers. However in the cathedral cloisters the kegle was set up to represent the devil. A person was then given up a rock or some sort of ball with the line of smash the kegle down. If the player hit the kegle, his life was considered clean, and had proved it by knocking off the devil (kegle). However if he missed, it indicated his aim not still in the game but in life needed improvement. (Pezzano 14)The game was supposedly so popular in fourteen-century England that the young men were skipping soldiers duties in order to bowl therefore, King Edward III passed a righteousness to ban the sport. Also, other k... ...oyed by 95 million people in more than ninety countries worldwide. As one can see, the sport also has a lengthy history that is both interesting and filled with some speculation. The quick pace high-energy game is one of the most played sport in the U.S. today and will only continue to grow. not only can one play the sport for fun, but hook up with the professional tour and make upwards of a half a million dollars. Whether the sport originated with the caveman or with the Egyptians, one can check out that the sport of bowling has touched th e hearts of many.Works CitedBellisimo, Lou. The Bowlers Manual. 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, parvenue Jersey Prentice-Hall Inc., 1969. Bowling The Original X Game. 1999. 28 April 2004. ."Bowling." The New cyclopedia Britannica. 15th ed. 2 vols. Chicago Chicago Co., 1989. Brunswick. 1996. 20 April 2004 Burton Jr., Nelson. Bowling. New York American Co., 1973. International Bowling Museum & Hall Of Fame. 2000. 1 May 2004 . PBA Tour. 2000. 23 April 2004 http//www.pba.com>Pezzano, Chuck.Guide To Better Bowling. New York Simon and Schuster, 1974. Seifert, Chuck. Youth Bowling Action. Bowling World. 1 treat 2004 n. pag.

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