
Friday, February 15, 2019

The Gravity Bong :: The Gravity Bong

The sedateness BongI was introduced to the gravity bong by a friend. He told me the full nameas described to him was the "Afghanistan Gravity Bong". We were sitting aroundone night and decided to feat one give away.While I could go into detail concerning the mechanics of the bongsoperation, I dont think that is re in ally necessary. The reason it is called a"gravity bong" and not something else is this is what someone called it, that ishow they described it to their friends, and now it is an accepted term for thefollowing setup. I accept observed some people on the net contention about gravityvs. pressure vs. whatever. If you have comments like this as a result of thisdescription, I refer you to alt.engineering.geeks. The type of argument I haveobserved would have been halted a long time ago by declaring a "TECH TIME OUT" at our school. Take a hit man. I feel better now having said all that,so... on with the important stuff...GRAVITY BONG OPERATION amoun t 1Place the come homeless bottle into a body of water source such(prenominal) as a bucket of water,sink, bathtub, larger bottle, fishtank (just kidding), etc...When the bottlerests on the bottom, the rima oris piece should be above the water level enough to cup of tea the bottle. Im not sure if warm or cold water is best, or even if it makesmuch difference seeing as the smoke is not bubbled through it.STEP 2Pack the bowl and place it on the mouth of the bottle.STEP 3SLOWLY draw the bottle out of the water, while lighting the bowl. Theherb should really burn and the smoke allow look intimidating. Stop when a)theherb is all ash (preferable), or b)when the bottom of the bottle is still aninch or so below the water level in the bucket. Begin preparing yourself for ahuge hit.STEP 4CAREFULLY re prod the bowl without letting the bottle move downwards (up alittle is o.k., but dont lwt the bottom come out of the water), die deeply,and place your mouth over the opening. Inhale quickly and completely, allowingyour head to move downward. Try not to drink any bong water as this kind ofsucks (although its like learning to swim, its bound to happen a little).STEP 5Dont cough and hang on tightPACKED gutter >> $$I I I/I BOTTLE >> / BOTTLE>> / / / / / body of water WATER __________________/ __________________/BUCKET BUCKETStep 1 Step 2/ = BOWL% $$ = HERBLIGHTER __ *% ** = LIGHTER FLAME

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